Announcements / News

Trust Vote Information

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The Health staff will have PTFN Trust Amendment advance voter packages available when they visit your home in Peerless/Trout this week. See the attached notice for more information on how to complete an advance ballot”

All Peerless Trout First Nation members who are 18+ years of age as of October 4, 2021 are being asked to vote to approve an amendment to the current PTFN Trust Agreement. This amendment will:

  1. Define the term “majority of Voting Beneficiaries” as 50% +1 of the participating voters (simple majority).
  2. Establish a minimum threshold of 25% participation of Voting Beneficiaries for Trust Program and Amendment votes.
  3. Prohibit any further Trust loans to be made as an investment.

We are offering an option to complete your ballot in advance of the October 4th vote date. If you choose this option, you must complete your ballot and return it to the Health Center staff before they leave your door. If you choose to vote this way, please ensure you:

  • Clearly mark either YES or NO on your ballot and seal it in the small envelope.
  • Place the small envelope in the larger voter declaration envelope AND BE SURE TO FILL OUT THE INFORMATION – Name, Address, Band #, date of birth – and sign your name.

Every participating voter will receive a $150 retail gift card that will be available for pick up and the PTFN Administration office after October 6th.

**** All Voting Beneficiaries who use this advance ballot option will have their name entered in a special draw for one of three prizes: an iPad, or one of two $250 Prepaid Visa/Mastercard.

PLUS your name will also be entered in the final vote appreciation draws for a grand prize $1000 cash/gift card and secondary prize of a pair of Edmonton Oilers hockey tickets****

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