Strategic Plan

Strategic Priorities:


Community Plan

Relationship Between Our Two Communities

Social Issues

Economic Development and Employment

Community Programs and Services

Relationship with Industry and Surrounding Communities

Implement our TLE Settlement Agreement


In addition to the items noted above, PTFN has also made progress in a number of other areas:

  • the approved organization staffed with First Nation members supported by advisors and with training plans;
  • additional housing in place;
  • fire halls constructed in both communities and a recruitment and training processes initiated for volunteers;
  • a new state of the art Health Centre, funded by Health Canada -First Nation Inuit Health Branch (FNIHB) Alberta Region;
  • several member owned business;
  • the Municipal District has constructed a new water treatment plant with installation of new water and sewer lines in part of community; a funding agreement for services is underway;
  • Business Development Corporation is legally registered and Board of Directors appointed