Moving ahead
Do you, or anyone you know, is struggling with life issues? Do not be discouraged. We all require supports at one time or other. PT Healing Center is a good place to start. Come for coffee, a bit of food or just to talk. We will be here to listen, and to help you find the courage to make that first step. Confidentiality is a requirement for all who enter the Healing Center, either as staff or as a visitor. So, please join us at the Healing Center.
9.AM -4:30 PM
Helen Starr
My name is Helen Starr and I am the Healing Centre Manager for the Peerless Trout First Nation. I am from Peerless Lake and a PTFN member. I have lived in different cities and communities because of work and I came home a few years ago, to be with my family, relatives and friends.
My work has taken me into different fields such as social work and economic development. Although I have my education and training today, it was not always like this. I had quit school, so I went back to school starting from upgrading to different Universities, Colleges and where I trained to be a Social Worker and a First Nations Manager.
I enjoy working for Peerless Trout First Nation for many reasons, but an important one to me, is I have an attachment to all the community members, and I feel a personal satisfaction knowing that what I do helps everyone and the community as a whole. I won an award last year from PTFN for Outstanding Service and this is something I will cherish. It is a pleasure to serve to the best of my ability and I pray that I continue to do so for a long time to come.

VISION Statement
Working together, with community members and leadership we commit to bringing different programs that will promote healthy living and active supports for all people in the communities of Peerless Lake and Trout Lake known as the Peerless Trout First Nation.
We commit to bringing awareness through workshops and skill development
We commit to establishing resources such as counselling and mental health supports within our communities
We commit to provide information , supports to those who require addiction services
through referrals, and applications for residential treatment and day treatment services.
We commit to working with KTC CFS in providing preventative services and supporting families in times of need and enabling and encouraging families to develop or strengthen support systems.
Training and Supports
- Parenting infants, children & youth
- Budgeting and money management
- Planning for treatment for individuals and family
- Life management skills training
We commit to having various workshop topics for community awareness such as:
- Understanding grief
- What is trauma
- Setting boundaries
- Anger management
- Co parenting
- Single parenting
There will be different workshops as you request it.
“It is input, participation and interest that encourages change for healthy communities.”
Aftercare supports
- Support groups
- AA / NA
- Individual after care sessions
Individual and family supports
- Private sessions may be arranged as people need them.
- All sessions will be done by professionals.
“I are not alone. I am part of a family. I am part of a community. I belong here”

Peerless Trout Healing Centre
Box 128
Peerless Lake Ab
Phone: 825-261-0130 local number