Income Support

What are funds for?

The Peerless Trout First Nation offers this program as a last resort for eligible individuals and their families who are ordinarily reside in Peerless Lake or Trout Lake and who are members of the Peerless Trout First Nation.

Income assistance includes funds for:

  • basic needs (such as food, clothing, and rent and utilities allowance)
  • special needs (such as essential household items, personal incidentals, and doctor-recommended diets)
  • pre-employment and employment support to move individuals toward self-sufficiency (such as life skills and job training)

Beverly Noskiye

Social Development/ Income Support Manager

Beverly J. Noskiye is the Social Development/ Income Support Manager for the Peerless Trout First Nation. Beverly is a member of Peerless Trout First Nation and is a resident of the community. She has been working in this position since February of 2017. She has an extensive work history in the community from working as a Teacher Assistant, Special Needs Assistant, ECS-K4 Teacher/Assistant, Outreach Worker, Receptionist, Economic Dev. Officer, PTFN Consultation Coordinator.

She enjoys working at The Peerless Trout First Nation as she feels it is a great family and team environment and looks forward to creating other opportunities and expanding the program towards employment readiness. She enjoys working with her clients and knows first hand what the needs in the community are and continues to build relationships to help address these issues.

Kayla Alook

P.E.S.P Coordinator (Pre-Employment Supports Program) Social Assistance Department

Who can apply?

Individuals who believe they may be eligible will need to meet all the following criteria:

  • ordinarily resident on-reserve and are a registered status Indigenous person
  • eligible for basic or special financial assistance
  • can demonstrate they have no other source of funding to meet their basic needs

An individual who is eligible and applies for income assistance will be assessed according to the criteria of their province or the Yukon. This assessment covers the individual’s:

  • financial need
  • employability
  • family composition and age
  • available financial resources in the household

Who qualifies as ordinarily resident on-reserve?

Ordinarily resident on-reserve means that an individual lives on-reserve and does not maintain a primary residence off reserve but may be temporarily off reserve for the purpose of seeking education or obtaining care or services not available on reserve.