Announcements / News

Off-Reserve Members Christmas Hampers

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Peerless Trout First Nation is please to announce that we will be providing a one-time payment to off-reserve members for 2020 Christmas Hampers. The deadline for requests & copy of void cheques will be Friday, December 11th, 2020 @ 4:30pm. When calling in your information to Bernice @ 780 869 3985 please let her know if you require a cheque or by direct deposit. As she will be assisting with getting your information to Finance. All Cheques will be ready for pick up @ reception on Wednesday, December 16th, 2020, & direct deposits will reach your account on December 16, 2020 as well.

Cheque Payments – Please let Bernice know your proper mailing address & please make arrangements with her if someone else will be picking up your cheque or if you want it mailed out immediately.  

Direct Deposit Payments – Please email your void cheque to  as finance requires a VOID cheque. (You can get a copy of the void cheque from your mobile banking app, if you cannot get to the bank.) If anyone does not send in a void cheque, a cheque will be made. So please provide mailing info as well, just so we have it on file.

Thank you to our Finance department for taking on this task and to Linda Noskiye in membership for assisting. Merry Christmas from Peerless Trout First Nation.

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