Announcements / News

COVID-19 Update

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As of tonight, September 08, 2021 there are no new cases of Covid 19 and those that have been in close contact with anyone positive have been contacted. The Nation asks any community members that attended last weeks annual Treaty Days celebration please be aware of any onsets of symptoms Covid 19. As a reminder the symptoms can include:

Most common symptoms:


dry cough


Less common symptoms:

aches and pains

sore throat




loss of taste or smell

a rash on skin, or discolouration of fingers or toes

Serious symptoms:

difficulty breathing or shortness of breath

chest pain or pressure

loss of speech or movement

If you have any of these symptoms please contact the Health Center to have a Covid test done. We still ask community members to limit travel when possible and to follow all the Covid safety measures, such as physical distancing, wearing a mask, keeping rooms well ventilated, avoiding crowds, cleaning your hands, and coughing into a bent elbow or tissue.  Do it all! The offices and schools will remain closed for the remainder of the week and will be reassessed on Friday afternoon and an updated post will be sent out.

Please share with family and friends and stay safe!

Thank you

Jason Wigton

Director of Emergency Management

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