Announcements / News

Notice of Trust Vote October 28, 2022

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TAKE NOTICE THAT on October 28, 2022, a community approval vote will take place to approve proposed updates to PTFN’s Trust Programs. A Trust Program update will be approved if a majority of the Eligible voters who cast a ballot vote ‘YES’ to approve it.

The following question will be asked on the ballot:
“Do you approve of this budget proposed by the council and that these programs and services be paid for out of the Net Income of the Trust?”

The proposals that you will be voting on are included in the Trust Program Manual posted on the PTFN website. A summary of the proposed Trust Program updates is attached to this notice as ANNEX A.

The official voting date for the Community Approval will take place on Friday, October 28, 2022, from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the following Polls:

Peerless Lake Community Hall, Peerless Lake, AB
This poll is for Peerless Lake members only

Trout Lake Community Hall, Trout Lake, AB
This poll if for Trout Lake members only

Red Earth Community Hall – 175 Forestry Road, Red Earth, AB
This poll is for off-reserve members only

If an Eligible Voter would like to vote by Mail-In Ballot contact the Designated Officer to request a mail-in package.

Copies of the Peerless Trout First Nation Trust Agreement and Peerless Trout First Nation Trust Program Manual will be available at the Peerless Trout Administration Office and online on the PTFN website.

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