Announcements / News

Membership Inflation Relief Benefit

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The cost of living such as fuel, groceries, shelter and clothing have increased dramatically in recent months placing financial and mental health burdens on families and individuals. Peerless Trout First Nation will be providing financial relief to members to combat the effects of Inflation.

  • Each registered PTFN member living on or off reserve will receive $500;
  • Parents and/or guardians will receive an additional $500 Benefit for each member
    child under their care;
  • Elders (60+) living in community will have their applications delivered to them and
    assistance will be provided to complete the form.
  • Each adult will fill out the Inflation Relief Benefit Form. The forms can be obtained
    at the PTFN Administration Office, On the webpage or requesting a copy
    via email at
  • To receive your Benefit by December 20, 2023, please submit your form by
    Wednesday Dec 13 2023. Forms received after may be processed after the New Year.

For more information, please call Linda Noskiye at 780.869.3985 or 780.649.1480 Monday to Friday between 8:30am and 4:30pm

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