Announcements / News

COVID 19 – UPDATE PANDEMIC – March 16, 2020

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Peerless Trout First Nation




As the world embraces the spread of COVID 19 and each country has put in
place many procedures to aid in the spread of this virus, Peerless Trout First
Nation also must place protocols in place to protect the health and well-being
of its members. As approved by Peerless Trout First Nation Chief & Council
the following will be implemented as of March 17, 2020.

 Peerless Trout First Nation is
requesting that all visitors refrain from visiting the communities at this time
to help prevent COVID – 19 entering the communities.

Please follow all Health official
regulations for personal hygiene protocols and if you feel sick please stay

Peerless Trout First Nation is
preparing to assist any members that require any help with essential items for
individuals and families. Once we have this in place we will be posting contact
numbers for members to call.

In addition to the approved changes
Peerless Trout First Nation asks that all Community members to try and avoid
all unnecessary travel outside of the communities to aid in reducing the spread
of COVID – 19.

Ø All Rent/Mortgage (Nation
owned)/Renovation payments are put on hold for two months

Ø Each Household will
receive $300.00 of propane or wood delivered

Ø All public meetings are

Ø Peerless Trout
Administration office will be closed as of March 17, 2020 and will remain
closed until further notice. Essential Health programs will remain open as well
Income Support Clients will be contacted for instructions on receiving Income
Support payments.

Ø All Council and Employee
travel is suspended until further notice



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