2 Week Safety Ticket Training

Christmas Hamper and Toy Drive

Youth Logo Contest

Bored this weekend? Have a youth at home? We need youth to submit logo designs to the youth and cultural program. There is a contest underway with a $250.00 prize and a $100.00 random draw for all those who send in an entry. Draw a logo that represents the vision of the youth in Peerless […]
Peerless Trout First Nation – Cultural Camp

On September 16, 2020 the First Nation will have KTC in the community to do security checks for those working at the Peerless Trout First Nation cultural camp. This camp is a high priority for Chief and Council and is part of the long-term strategic plan to provide programs for our First Nation youth. We […]
Child Intervention Checks

As part of the recruitment for the cultural camp and for the nomination for counsellor candidates, KTC will be in the community on September 16th from 9:00 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. to complete Child Intervention Checks that are required.

PTFN Companies Update Sept 14, 2020 @5pm PTFN Admin Bldg As per the AHS guidelines we are only able to have a maximum of 50 people at an indoor event, this includes the presenters. Once we reach 40 people the doors will be closed. Anyone attending the meeting will be required to wear a mask. […]
Peerless Trout First Nation Youth Cultural Camp

Sept 28 – Oct 2, 2020 Location will be towards Trout Mountain Open to youth from Peerless Lake and Trout Lake ages 12 – 17 yrs PTFN will be offering a youth cultural camp that will focus on meat / fish preparation, canoeing, archery, and other activities. Food and tents will be provided. Due to […]
Community Meeting

AGENDA: PTFN Companies UpdateWhen: Sept. 3, 2020 @ 5:00 pmWhere: PTFN Administration Office As per AHS Guidelines we are only able to have a maximum of 50 people at an indoor event, this includes the presenters. Once we reach 40 people the doors will be closed. Anyone attending the meeting will be required to wear […]