Peerless Trout First Nation has been notified by health officials that there is one new case in the communities. The individual is self isolating and is following health protocols.
At this time no new restrictions will be set but remind all community members that the following restrictions are still in place:
– Only residents and essential services are allowed entry into the communities.
– Curfew is in place from 10:00 pm to 6:00 am
– all other Provincial Health restrictions
We ask, and know it is a very difficult time of year to be away from family & friends, but that community members follow all the restrictions set. This is to help stop the spread of the virus and keep our most vulnerable safe.
Chief & Council want to thank everyone for their efforts and pray that the communities and members stay safe during the holidays.
We will be providing updates as any new information is obtained.
Thank you
Jason Wigton
Band Manager & Emergency Services