Peerless Trout First NationHighway 686 ClearingAlberta Transportation is in the process of starting the Highway 686 paving project and have approached the Nation in providing the clearing of the right of way for the Highway project.Along this ~27.5km section of highway the initial scope of work is proposed as such:
- Clearing and mulching of the highway right-of way so that the utilities can be moved prior to the planned highway upgrades.
- This will entail clearing/mulching of 60 metres in total width, ~30 metres each side of the current highway centerline.
- This will require approximately 80 hectares (~200 acres) of clearing/mulching.
This project is to begin as soon as possible. Attached is the proposed road alignment. For further information and If any contractors are interested please contact Jason Wigton, PTFN Band Manager @ 780-649-4304.Thank you