Announcements / News

Band Manager Update – Covid -19 – March 28, 2020

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As PTFN and the world continue to try and manage the COVID 19 Pandemic, I
would like to thank all of the PTFN community members for their diligence in
trying to slow the spread of the virus and keep it away from the communities, as
of yesterday there are no still no confirmed cases. I would also like to say a
huge thanks all of the staff and volunteers that have put in endless hours of
work to make sure that residents and members have the essentials they need to
be able to stay at home as much as possible. Also, to Chief & Council for
supporting the difficult decisions that have been put in place to protect the
communities, their families and members.

It is very important for everyone to do their part and protect
themselves, their families and everyone in the communities.

I just want to share how much things have changed just within Canada in
just the past two weeks alone to emphasize the importance of following the
protocols in place.

March 13, 202 March 28, 2020

125,048 confirmed cases worldwide 622,450 confirmed cases worldwide

157 confirmed cases in Canada 4,760 confirmed cases in Canada

26 confirmed cases in Alberta 542 confirmed cases in Alberta

0 confirmed cases in the North Zone 30 cases in the North Zone

We know that this pandemic is not going away anytime soon, and community
members will need to remain diligent in their efforts to keep Peerless Lake and
Trout Lake at zero cases of COVID-19.


Jason Wigton, Band Manager/Emergency Manager


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