2016 PTFN Election

Important Information for PTFN Members on the Upcoming Election

Nomination Day Trout Lake

September 27th 2016 at Trout Community Hall
5:00pm to 9:00pm 

Nomination Day Peerless Lake

September 26th 2016 at Peerless Community Hall
 5:00pm to 9:00pm  

Election Day
October 26th 2016 at Peerless Community Hall & Trout Community Hall
9:00am to 8:00pm

The election is for 1 (one) Council position in Peerless Lake and 1 (one) Council position in Trout Lake.

To be nominated, candidate must be 18 or over on the date of the election (October 26th 2016).

You are eligible to vote if:

  • You are a PTFN member.
  • 18 years of age or over on the date of election AND provide identification showing your name, date of birth and address.

***Members must bring ID on the day of the vote and day of the nomination as PTFN staff will no longer be able to confirm individual’s identity as this has become an issue in the election appeals in the past. 

If you do not have identification, the PTFN Membership Officer, Linda Noskiye, will be available to support members with securing Status Cards to help with identification, however the Membership Officer will not be available during the Nomination or Vote days to avoid an appeal. 

Please get your ID before nomination and vote days or you will not be able to participate in the nomination/vote.***

The identification requirements also include the address of the voter and nominee. The address will be on the voters list provided by PTFN. 

For Candidates

Each candidate running for office may only appoint 1 (one) scrutiner.
If you wish to appoint a scrutiner, you must provide written notification to the electoral officer 2 (two) daysprior to the vote. This is a stipulation within the PTFN custom election code and it must be followed to avoid appeals.

There are copies of the PTFN custom election code available for members to pick up in the Trout Lake Sub-Office (which is also the location of the Housing Department) and the PTFN Sub- Office in Peerless Lake )which is where the post-office is located). 

Electoral Officer appointed by the Council:

Albert Oostendorp
Phone 780.991.4011
Email aomgnt@telusplanet.net

Please contact Mr. Oostendorp for further questions. 

Due to the Nation’s Custom Election Regulations, neither advanced polling or mail in ballots are permissible at this time.